Top 10 invitations that are so beneficial to our world these top invitations how to change our lifestyle.
- The light bulb: the light bulb is so important invention in our modern world Thomas Edison creator first the light bulb in 1835 the first light bulb was invented. After this greatest success Thomas Edison get famous and win Nobel Prize
- Ac current: for modern-day, we can't live without electricity, thanks to Nikola Tesla. Who makes it possible to provide electricity in our houses
- thermometer: the thermometer is very important in medicine and science field Galileo Galilei how often claimed to be the inventor of the thermometer. In model, day thermometer are using in astronomy and weather report
- radium and polonium : two most important elements who are used in cancer treatment. The element was discovered bye Marie Curie who won Nobel Prize not one but twice also both her daughter won Nobel Prize
- radio waves : nowadays, radio are outdate, but radio waves are used in our system like radar, submarine, satellite etc.
- Lens : Lens are used in various imaging devices like telescopes, binoculars and cameras. This is the most important discovery for those people who suffer myopia and hypermetropia.
- Electric motors : Electric motors may be classified by considerations such as power source type, internal construction, application and type of motion output. In addition to AC versus DC types, motors may be brushed or brushless
- steam engine : steam engine in one off the invitation who start our model railway system Thomas Savers an Englishman who created this model in 1698 nowadays steam engines are used in museum
- satellite : satellite is one of the important element of our world and most important element. Sputnik, the first Satellite made bye Russia buy Sergei Korolev, Russia scientist
- Aeroplane : Wright brothers, two American aviation pioneers generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful motor-operated aeroplane. They made the first controlled, sustained flight of a powered, heavier-than-air aircraft with the Wright Flyer