In today's world data is very important for us. there are several methods to store data.
- some old methods of data storage
stone age data storage methods where you shore data bye painting in rock and like Cave art The first painted cave acknowledged as being Paleolithic, meaning from the Stone Age, was Altamira in Spain. the is a one-off of the first methods for data storing. there is much information.
- some famous place or cave
- Cueva de las Manos
- Maltravieso
- Chauvet Cave
- Magura Cave
- Pech Merle
2. paper storage methods of data storage
this is methods use for 1000 years of data storage. also today we use this method in several government and private sector and school and other sectors. a paper document is still used in today's modern world. some of the oldest document
some of the oldest paper document are
Papyrus: The word "paper" is etymologically derived from papyrus, Ancient Greek for the Cyperus papyrus plant. Papyrus is a thick, paper-like material produced from the pith of the Cyperus papyrus plant which was used in ancient Egypt and other Mediterranean societies for writing long before paper was used in China.
Paper in China: Archaeological evidence of papermaking predates the traditional attribution given to Cai Lun, an imperial eunuch official of the Han dynasty (202 BCE – 220 CE), thus the exact date or inventor of paper can not be deduced. The earliest extant paper fragment was unearthed at Fangmatan in Gansu province and was likely part of a map, dated to 179–141 BCE. Fragments of paper have also been found at Dunhuang dated to 65 BCE and at Yumen pass, dated to 8 BCE.
Islamic world: Paper was used in Central Asia by the 8th century but its origin is not clear. According to the 11th-century historian, Thaalibi, Chinese prisoners captured at the Battle of Talas in 751 introduced paper manufacturing to Samarkand. However, there are no contemporary Arab sources for this battle.
paper in Europe: The oldest known paper document in Europe is the Mozarab Missal of Silos from the 11th century. probably using paper made in the Islamic part of the Iberian Peninsula.
Americas: In the Americas, archaeological evidence indicates that a similar bark-paper writing material was used by the Maya no later than the 5th century CE. Called amate or amate, it was in widespread use among Mesoamerican cultures until the Spanish conquest. The earliest sample of amate was found at Huitzilapa near the Magdalena Municipality, Jalisco, Mexico, belonging to the shaft tomb culture. It is dated to 75 BCE
3. modern days storage
knows days data storage is very important for many businesses some people buy their own servers to store their company data. and some people buy Pendrive hard drive and another storage method for smaller use we all know data security is very breach statistics 2020
In 2019, the number of data breaches in the United States amounted to 1,473 with over 164.68 million sensitive records exposed. In the first half of 2020, there were 540 reported data breaches.