10 Facts about Hurricane

10 Facts about Hurricane

10 Facts about Hurricane  

10 Facts about Hurricane

Hurricanes or cyclones are the natural phonemes that occur for many years on our earth. A wind rapidly rotates by a low-pressure center and creates an intense wind pressure in a cycle motion. This will happen for so many years on over planet times it creates serious damage to our ecosystem lots of people lost their lives due to this natural disaster. the reason these hurricanes are made is due to low atmospheric pressure in our environment and global warming today we discuss some facts about Hurricanes and how they change over the world's top Hurricanes or cyclones disasters which impact largely 

Fact no 1

Fact about Hurricane Andrew : on  August 1992 Hurricane Andrew hit the part of Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana and create massive destruction the hurricane produced a 282 km/h wind storm and hit several houses  Andrew destroyed more than 63,500 houses, damaged more than 124,000 others, caused $27.3 billion in damage and around 60 people lost there life it is huge damage after 1986 Atlantic hurricane season

Fact no 2 

Fact about  Hurricane Camille: it was the  second most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the United States on 14 August 1969 the Hurricane hit the western part of Cuba that it Emerging into the Gulf of Mexico and create lots of damage in various parts of St Louis Cuba, Yucatán Peninsula, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Southern United States, Midwestern United States, Eastern Seaboard around 280km/h wind storm hit several public properties and $1.42 billion civil and government property was damaged around 259 people lost there life 

Fact no 3 

Hurricane Katrina

Fact about  Hurricane Katrina : Hurricane Katrina was the worst destruction in American history it  caused over 1,800 fatalities and $125 billion in damage it was hit on the 23 of August in the state of  Florida Greater New Orleans Mississippi Alabama most of the Eastern United States and Eastern Canada after that President of the United States George W. Bush was declared a state of emergency in selected regions of Louisiana Alabama and Mississippi on August 27

Fact no 4 

Fact about  Hurricane Dorian : Hurricane Dorian became the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahamas the speed of this storm was 295km/h which is the highest all 70,000 people were left homeless and effect huge economical and civil host in Bahama  after that  local governments issued various tropical cyclone warnings and watches

Fact no 5 

Fact about  Hurricane Harvey : Hurricane Harvey which was hit Texas and Louisiana on 17 August 2017 it was created 125 billion and affected this area largely  Windward Islands, Suriname, Guyana, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, and some part of Southern and Eastern United States especially Texas Louisiana. the United States government provide special help to taxes state on taxes around 68 death are filed  

Fact no 6 

Fact about  Hurricane Irma :  Irma was the first Category 5 hurricane which is the  most powerful hurricane on record in the open Atlantic region hurricane also divided into Category where a category decides how powerful a hurricane is 

Category 1 hurricane - 70 to 95 mph.

Category 2 hurricane - 90 to 110 mph.

Category 3 hurricane - 110 to 129 mph.

Category 4 hurricane - 130-156 mph.

category 5 hurricane - 120- 180 mph 

which is so higher that it creates a huge amount of damage the cyclone destroy $77.16 billion  and around 80+ people lost their life it affect this area Turks and Caicos Islands, Jamaica, The Bahamas, the Eastern United States especially Florida

Fact no 7 

Fact about  Hurricane Ida : Hurricane Ida is the second-most damage rest hurricane that hit the U.S. state of Louisiana at around 240 km/h this hurricane also hit some parts of the South American country like Venezuela.  The path of destruction in Louisiana, more than a million people in total had no electrical power. 

Fact no 8

Fact about  Hurricane Ike : Hurricane Ike was a Category 4 hurricane it hit Southeast Texas, South Central, United States, the Great Lakes region, and Canada the hurricane damaged 38 billion of property and was the record second-costliest hurricane in United States history.

Fact no 9 


Fact about  Hurricane Sanda : Hurricane Sanda is also known as Superstorm Sandy it was the most destructive, and strongest hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. it killed almost 2012 people in Canada and eight countries on the Caribbean island after that the government Government of this country made a special guideline for hurricane 

Fact 10 

Great Galveston Hurricane

Fact about  Great Galveston Hurricane : Great Galveston Hurricane is one of the biggest hurricanes ever faced in human history it killed all most  6,000 to 12,000 people many people are homeless if we calculate the damage done it would be 1100 billion dollars 

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