Interesting facts about Madhya Pradesh

Interesting facts about Madhya Pradesh

 Some Interesting Facts about Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh state is one of the largest states in India it is located in the center of India. the state has lots of historic side and stories here in rankingknow we provide some interesting facts and figures about Madhya Pradesh 

Interesting facts about Madhya Pradesh

Fact no 1

Fact no 1 city of indore

India's clean city Indore is a part of Madhya Pradesh it is the 5 time this city won the cleanest city award 

Fact no 2

Fact 2 Kanha National Park

Kanha National Park is one of the famous wildlife sanctuaries in India this park is famous for its Tiger reserve and has a total area is about 1949 sq km. the park is found by the Gond dynasty in the 19th century 

Fact no 3

Kanch Mandir is also known as the temple of glass. this is one of the very famous places in Indore the temple was made in 1903 by Hukumchand the temple was a special hole place for the Jain community 

Fact no 4

The city of Ujjain is one of the ancient cities of India the city was famous for its historic side for pilgrimages such as the Kumbh Mela  which is celebrated is 12 years

Fact no 5

The story of the jungle book is inspired by Kanha National Park which is located a British write Rudyard Kipling write the book and it is known very famous all around the world 

Fact no 6

Madhya Pradesh is famous for its large living population of tribes the  four major tribes are  Kol, Korku, Sahariya, and Baiga and many small tribes live in  Ramgarh District, Khandwa district, Rewa district, and several parts of Madhya Pradesh 

Facts no 7

The Great Stupa at Sanchi is located in Raisen District in the State of Madhya Pradesh. The monument was built by the greatest Mauryan emperor Ashoka. This is one of the greatest historic places in India people watch this place and come to visit this place all around the world 

Facts no 8 

Madhya Pradesh is the 2 largest state in India after Rajasthan . It covers a total area of about 308,245 km²

Facts no 9

Facts 9 worst industrial disaster

Bhopal is the capital city of Madhya Pradesh. On 2 December 1984 India witnessed the worst industrial disaster. After the gas leak in Union Carbide India Limited, a plant located in Bhopal around 8000 people died due to this disaster, and many families were badly affected Bhopal is the capital city of Madhya Pradesh.  

Fact no 10

Madhya Pradesh has one of the largest reserves of and copper in India. Panna district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Was famous for its diamond mines. The state is also rich in coal, manganese, bauxite, and dolomite.

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