Facts about Meditation
Meditation is the physical exercise for relaxing the mind and body. It helps to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and increases calmness and physical relaxation. The exercise practice for so many years in various parts of the world. In ancient India, yoga and meditation are treated as a religious tradition most of the Sadhu and Sant practice meditation for several years. Meditation helps you in various ways improve your focus inner peace better for the respiration system. There are various techniques in Meditation people follow
Meditation and his techniques
Mantra meditation: it is a traditional meditation commonly in India where people take a deep breath and release with the sound of om is so helpful it improve your focus and concentration Power most of the people practice in a day period. Most of the yoga gurus is mantra meditation in their daily life rotation
Mindfulness meditation: In this method of meditation your body was connected with nature The goal of this excesses is to reduce the stress your body and mind senses connected better control your emotions in this method you’re actually remodeling the physical structure of your brain.
Spiritual meditation: It is the most Traditions method, people experience that takes you to the depths of who you are. 1000 of year people practice spiritual meditation people are doing to connect god or inner piece of mind. Most of the people connect with religious traditions several people from different religions doing spiritual meditation
Relaxation response: In this method, your body will be relaxed position, and starting meditation reduces stress in your body. It helps your body heal from the overloading of work and improves your muscle
Benifit of Meditation
Meditation helps you to wipe the day's stress, and provide inner peace. nowadays people suffer lots of problems like stress anxious tense and worry practicing daily meditation can help you. that can benefit both your mental health well-being and your overall physical health.
Meditation help in mental health
You feel more confidence
Building skills to manage your stress
Increasing self-awareness
Improve your Focusing
Reducing negative emotions and feel good
Increasing imagination and creativity for use in work
Increasing patience and tolerance
Mental health is important in today's life with mediation you can improve yourself. most psychiatrists recommend meditation for reducing mental stress
Meditation helps in physical health
Chronic pain
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Irritable bowel syndrome
Sleep problems
Tension headaches
They help to fight this type of disease and make your life happy good physical health is also important like mental health