interesting facts about some famous people

interesting facts about some famous people

There are some interesting facts about some of the famous personalities which create some history invitation and creation that chance the world and made  Revolution in the modern world.

Interesting facts about Isaac Newton

fact about sir Isaac Newton who discovery was so important in modern-day science he was one of the famous celebrities of the century

Fact 1

when Isaac Newton father died in 1642 when newton was only three months old her father was a farmer after her mother married Barnabas Smith

Fact 2

when Isaac Newton was born he is so weak and tiny some people said survive he was that tiny his mother said he was fit in a teacup 

Fact 3

In the bubonic plague of 1665 newton was so active that he create so many discoveries one of the famous are laws of gravity, optics, and he invented calculus.

Fact 4

Newton never married he was in life As Newton immersed himself in his work

Fact 5

The famous scientist Galileo died in the same year where Sir Isaac Newton was born.

Interesting facts about Galileo Galilei 

Fact about Galileo Galilei once Albert Einstein said that the work of Galileo Galilei marks the real beginning of physics. And astronomy. Galileo was the first to aim a telescope at the night sky, and his discoveries changed our picture of the cosmos.

Fact 1

he was a famous philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician he discovered four moons revolving around Jupiter. He also found that the telescope showed many more stars than are visible with the naked eye

Fact 2

Galileo Galilei was never married but he have 2 daughters and 1 son maria celeste and Livia Galileo his daughter was a nun and devote to the church 

Fact 3

Galileo Galilei didn't  invent the telescope a  dutch spectacle-maker named Hans Lipperhey invent the telescope but to improve telescopes and the microscope

Fact 4

Galileo Galilei When he was 16 Galileo enrolled at the University of Pisa to study medicine but he don't complete his degree

Fact 5

Galileo Galilei was a great artist he spend his half of the time for draw and paint skill that no doubt helped him interpret the sights revealed by his telescope.

Interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci

Fact about Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist painting and sculpting. on 1452 he was born his famous painting mona lisa

Fact 1

Leonardo da Vinci was a left hander he was equally adept at writing and painting with his right hand

Fact 2

Leonardo da Vinci never married in his life

Fact 3

Mona Lisa was the most famous painting to have ever been created he was a great masterpiece by any artists

Fact 4

Codex Leicester the most expensive book ever sold. the book is related to manuscript includes Leonardo's thoughts, theories and observations of the world, like the movement of water, fossils and the luminosity of the moon.

Fact 5

Leonardo da Vinci was used mirror writing to hide his theory and secreted for the world. mirror writing where words or sentences in reverse direction, so that they look normal when viewed in a mirror

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